Science Forum on Patient Safety

Keywords Science Forum on Patient Safety HFES Bulletin OSHA Releases Ergonomics Plan
Standards groups

On October 15, 2004, HFES will sponsor a Science Forum in
Washington, D.C., on the topic of patient safety. The purpose of
this forum is to facilitate the communication of HFES member
activities to agencies such as the National Institutes of Health,
National Science Foundation, Food and Drug Administration,
Department of Defense, and Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality.

Assistance with the organization and coordination of this Science
Forum is a service provided to us as a member of the Federation
of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences. HFES
is funding the forum, and the Federation provides the staff to
organize the event. (See the Federation Web site for examples of
past forums: is external).)

The HFES Policy and Planning Committee (PPC) has been
working with the Federation staff to define the agenda for the
forum and to identify the relevant agencies to be invited. The PPC
selected the topic of patient safety based on guidance from the
HFES Executive Council and the Technical Advisory Group. We
then surveyed the chairs of all the technical groups for their
recommendations for speakers at the forum.

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Volume 47 Number 9
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Defines standard
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