Update on the Tune-Up

Keywords Update on the Tune-Up bulletin HFES Bulletin Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Standards groups

Planning (P&P) Committee that is currently on the books from myth to reality. Each of these moves calls for a bit of explanation. E&T currently exists as a special committee with a very narrowly defined mission: development of a specific genre of special education programming. This is an important function, as is continuing education in general, but there are other education and
training issues (e.g., those associated with graduate training and program accreditation) that have no home in our present structure.

Only Accreditation Review, which exists within a relatively inactive special committee that is being eliminated, is covered. The new E&T Committee will assume this function along with all others involving the important business of educating and training for our professionals. P&P currently amounts to the president-elect, who leads a planning exercise at the beginning of his or her term that presumably lays out the agenda he or she hopes to address as president.

On the premise that policy and planning should involve a bit more comprehensive and sustained attention (and continuity) than this, the new P&P Committee will continue the current planning day practice – which is valuable – but broaden its scope to include a larger planning and policy mission. It will consist of perhaps five members, and, though chaired by the presidentelect,
will have the continuity afforded by continuing multiyearterm memberships.

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