DoDAF V2.0

Keywords DoDAF DoDAF V2.0 DODAF Meta-model Data Exchange Requirements
Standards groups

DoDAF V2.0 provides an overarching set of architecture concepts, guidance, best practices, and methods to enable and facilitate architecture development.
Fit-for-Purpose describes an architecture that is appropriately focused and directly support customer needs or improve the overall process undergoing change. The models provide choices, based upon the decision-maker needs.
Adoption of DoDAF V2.0 benefits the decision-maker and the architect with the freedom of presenting the architectural data in the terms for the decision-makers.

Facilitates development of architectural descriptions under Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)-related techniques and tools Adheres to the DoD Acquisition Life Cycle methodologies contained in the DoD Acquisition Guide Can be used in conjunction with Lean Six Sigma and other Process Improvement methods

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OSD, EA&S, Brief to OMG, DoDAF V2, 20090916.ppt application/   3.46 MB English DOWNLOAD!
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DoDAF V2.0 provides an overarching set of architecture concepts, guidance, best practices, and methods to enable and facilitate architecture development.

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