Reflections on the standardization of SysML 2

Keywords standardization of SysML SysML SysML tools Software and Systems Modeling software systems
Standards groups

1. The language itself has received a renovation in its syn- tactical shape, with the expectation that a consolidated set of syntactic constructs leads to a better methodical use of the various modeling sub-languages.
2. SysML 1 was defined as a profile based on the UML, which on first consideration was a good idea, but in reality and practice led to a number of complications. Therefore, SysML 2 will be a standalone language inde- pendent from UML. SysMLs relation to other modeling languages, like UML, CAD, PLM, etc. is therefore not part of the SysML standardization. (But because SysML and UML are at least partially overlapping there is potential to create inconsistencies and confusion).
3. SysML 2 will cover an even wider range of views that can be described, even embedding geometrical models, such as CAD and physical simulation models of various forms.

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Jeff Gray, Bernhard Rumpe
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