Preliminary Call for Proposals Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting

Keywords Preliminary Call for Proposals Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting HFES Bulletin
Standards groups

The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society is pleased to announce a new journal, the Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. The new journal focuses on research that seeks to understand how people engage in cognitive work in real-world settings and on the development of systems that support that work. The journal features research on human cognition and the application of this knowledge to the design and development of system interfaces, automation, aids and other support systems, training programs,
personnel selection devices, and coordination environments for people who work in teams or groups.

Research that is conducted in both ecologically valid task simulations and in field settings will be included. The journal will focus on advances in the theory of cognition in naturalistic work environments, empirical results obtained from the study of decision processes, cognitive engineering initiatives, cognitive modeling, and innovative methodologies for conducting research in simulation
and natural settings. Submissions now are invited. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, in APA Publication Manual (5th edition) format, to sends email). Submissions may include case studies, advances in theory, developments in research methods, metacognitive modeling, and empirical and experimental work capturing critical information on human cognition and on the impact of system design characteristics on the cognition and performance of individuals and teams.

The journal will address studies in many domains, including aviation, air traffic control, process control, transportation, manufacturing systems, maintenance and diagnostic systems, system design, medical and emergency services, teleoperations and supervisory control, command and control, and military systems.

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Volume 47 Number 10
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