Lean Principles Implementation in the Program Preparation Phase

Keywords Lean Principles Implementation in the Program Preparation Phase ENGINEERING AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT
Standards groups

In the Preparation Phase of Programs/Projects, Lean Principles can be applied to a variety of assurances and process methodologies. These principles are used in conjunction with service management principles that help to identify task and process importance to the overall customer value. An example of customer value would be early recognition of the potential incompatibility of the goals and
objectives of the parties involved and subsequently work to minimize the long-term implications of this condition. This scenario is an example of Muda in the formulation process. Without incentives for both parties to participate, the program would not be executed. Compromises are necessary on the part of both
parties to see the program executed (this is a form of necessary waste or Muda). Another would be recognizing that platform architecture issues are important and should drive timing between derivative products and the infusion/leveraging of technology. Since public and private investment strategies have not supported continuity in launch system technologies, significant gaps in the knowledge spectrum exist and require sizeable relearning of technologies and systems performance behaviors. Other areas where this exists includes continuity of leadership and a heightened potential of reneging, which are interface
issues at the point-of-service delivery. These are perceived to be highly important.

The Servuction framework highlights these measures of effectiveness, held important by one party, which are not necessarily important by the ultimate end customer providing the end service. This is manifested by the Public Sector’s continued focus on reducing launch service costs. However, when considering the total system cost and performance, launch services are a small part of the costs. Degree of importance from the end customer perspective is the reliability and availability of such systems and associated facilities and qualified personnel. This is also an unrecognized goal of the Public Sector in its efforts to support
economic competitiveness for US industries in the commercialization of space. This is also an example where waste in the development process exists due to misalignment of performance measure structure and importance. This form of waste has to be eliminated and the proper alignment achieved.

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Freddie Douglas, III
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