Designing and Enhancing a Systems Engineering Training and Development Program

Keywords Enhancing Systems engineering Engineering Training systems training systems engineering systems enginering; training and development education competency model measurement training design
Standards groups

The MITRE Institute, the Training and Development (T&D) organization of the MITRE Corporation, is in the process of designing and enhancing its systems engineering (SE) T&D program. This long-term, strategic program is intended to complement an existing deep, self-selection, internal catalog program and an on-site Masters Degree program in systems engineering. The program direction and design are driven by a competency model that focuses on behaviors of successful SEs at MITRE. The program horizontally integrates and blends many T&D approaches at the same program level, including technical, non-technical, and e-Learning courses; student and manager assessments; customized on-the-job projects; group work and networking; a focused training resource database; student- manager commitment through an individual development plan (IDP); and a certification option. The program integrates concepts vertically by replication of content that is considered important on multiple, or all levels of the program, such as enterprise systems engineering, risk, team development, and persuasion and influence.

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