Application of MBSE to Oil and Gas Project / Product Management Cycle – A model-based development approach for engineering management and design

Keywords gas project application of mbse product management cycle engineering management
Standards groups

Considering the large capital outlay and the long duration for recouping investments on Oil and Gas projects, it is concerning that a number of projects in the Industry continue to exceed their approved cost and schedules by significant margins. Engineering is often named as a culprit for Project execution issues manifesting in engineering and construction rework, start-up delays, start- up performance and early facility life issues. Worthy of note is the increasing complexities of Oil and Gas production facilities and systems stemming from more remote operational locations, newer production technologies and a drive for autonomous facilities. Hence, the need for an Engineering approach to address current system development issues and poised to take on the complexity challenges of the systems of the future.
Despite the benefits of Model Based System Engineering (MBSE), and System Engineering broadly, in addressing system complexities in industries like Aerospace, there are sparse references that address benefits of such an approach in the Oil and Gas industry. In addition, there is a gap in literature on the Oil and Gas Industry that analyze the underlying design approach, used over decades in the industry, relative to project outcomes. This research attempts to address the gaps using a case-study approach to analyze MBSE implementation in Aerospace for insights towards an implementation in the Oil and Gas Industry.

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Funmilola Adeoti Asa
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