Identifying Lean Practices for Deriving Software Requirements

Keywords Identifying Lean Practices for Deriving Software Requirements software requirements
Standards groups

The process used to derive software requirements was selected as the research focus area based on feedback from the LAI consortium members. Aerospace product development practitioners have repeatedly expressed frustration over the difficulties associated with software and requirements. Deriving the software requirements is an important step in developing aerospace products. Requirement derivation activities occur early in the product development process and can have significant impacts on the cost, schedule and performance of the system [Fredriksson, 94]. The cost to correct errors made in the beginning grows exponentially the longer they go undetected [Davis, 90]. Analyzing the process using a Lean framework allows practitioners the opportunity to improve and avoid such adverse system impacts.

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Lean principles focus on employing value added activities to reduce product development cycle time, increase quality, and reduce cost. Lean originated in the automotive industry and has since been centered in the manufacturing domain. Lessons learned on implementing Lean initiatives have been captured by the in the Lean Aerospace Initiative (LAI) and incorporated into the Lean
Enterprise Model (LEM) ( is external)). To the author’s knowledge, this is the first research effort specifically designed to apply the Lean principles and the Lean Enterprise Model to the aerospace software requirement derivation process.

Brian J. Ippolito
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