Engineering Change Proposal (ECP)

Keywords engineering change proposal engineering change proposal engineering proposal
Standards groups

1. Reference documents. The applicable issue of any documents cited herein, including their approval dates and dates of any applicable amendments, notices, and revisions, shall be as specified in the contract.

2. Format and content. The Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) shall be prepared in contractor format. . The ECP content shall include, where applicable, the following information:

a. the change priority, change classification, and change justification
b. a complete description of the change to be made and the need for that change
c. complete listing of other configuration items impacted by the proposed change and a description of the impact on those CIs.
d. proposed changes to documents controlled by the government.
e. proposed serial (or lot) number affectivities of units to be produced in, or
retrofitted to, the proposed configuration.
f. recommendation about the way a retrofit should be accomplished.

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