System of Systems Engineering and Family of Systems Engineering from a Standards, V-Model, Dual V-Model, and DoD Perspective

Keywords System of Systems Engineering and Family of Systems Engineering from a Standards V-Model Dual V-Model DoD Perspective
Standards groups

• A SoS is defined as a set or arrangement of systems that results from
independent systems integrated into a larger system that delivers
unique capabilities.
• Both systems and SoS conform to the accepted definition of a system,
in that each consists of parts, relationships, and a whole that is greater
than the sum of its parts.
• While a SoS is a system, not all systems are SoS.
• SoS engineering deals with planning, analyzing, organizing, and
integrating the capabilities of a mix of existing and new systems into an
SoS capability greater than the sum of the capabilities of the constituent parts.
• SoS engineering is an activity that spans the entire system’s life cycle;
from pre-Milestone A through Disposal.

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John O. Clark
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