Benchmarking the Benefits and Current Maturity of Model-Based Systems Engineering across the Enterprise

Standards groups

The survey was designed using the INCOSE Model-Based Enterprise Capability Matrix (now published as an INCOSE product and referred to simply as the “Capability Matrix” in this report).1 The Capability Matrix was developed to help organizations that have already made the decision to implement DE/MBSE capabilities assess and grow these capabilities in a comprehensive and coherent manner. The matrix was developed by a team of individuals across various government and industry organizations and was socialized at five systems engineering community events in 2018 and 2019. The Capability Matrix is comprised of 42 individual capabilities across 8 areas with 5 different stages of maturity defined for each capability. This survey consisted of 23 rated questions linked to the 42 capabilities in the Capability Matrix, another 12 free-text questions, as well as a set of demographic questions. The 23 rated questions were scored by participants using a 4-point Likert agreement scale. The survey was fully anonymous, as no personal information from respondents was collected. A full list of survey questions and relevant Capability Matrix descriptions are included in section 2 of this report. A total of 240 respondents participated in the survey between 18 November 2019 and 31 January 2020. A summarization of the survey questions in Figure E-1.

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Thomas A. McDermott, Nicole Hutchison, Megan Clifford, Eileen Van Aken, Alejandro Salado, Kaitlin Henderson
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