Practical Suggestions to Successfully Adopt the CMMI V2.0 Development for Better Process, Performance, and Products

Keywords CMMI V2.0 development improvement process performance transition transition design
Standards groups

A significant number of the organizations in systems and software development industry are interested in the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) for better processes, performance, and products. The CMMI Institute has lately released version 2 (V2.0) of the CMMI and all interested organizations need to do the transition. This transition journey obliges some planned and devoted efforts. In this paper, I share the relevant experiences in adopting the new version of the model and the specifics of the pertinent transition journey for an organization. Specifically, I purposefully give information about how new and most significantly changed practice areas can be addressed. Besides, I give details about the novel gap analysis report template that I crafted to be used in analyzing the gaps to become compliant. Moreover, the original transition plan template that I created to manage and implement the transition process is provided. I think these noble distillations and experiences are going to be beneficial for organizations in successfully adopting the new model for better processes, performance, and products.

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DOI: 10.1109/UBMK50275.2020.9219438
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conference paper
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Mustafa Degerli
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