Preliminary Call for Proposals Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting

Keywords Preliminary Call for Proposals Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting HFES Bulletin
Standards groups

The 48th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society offers opportunities for participants to submit creative proposals for program materials of all kinds. Proposals are welcome from HFES members and nonmembers. New formats for presenting human factors efforts are also encouraged. Participants are invited to present proposals that will include case studies, debates, demonstrations, competitive product designs, videotapes, new methodologies, on-site experiments, and posters.

Although traditional lecture and panel sessions will be the core of the program, innovative formats are especially welcome. The meeting will be held at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana. The Call for Proposals will be distributed to the membership in November 2003 and posted at the HFES
Web site ( is external)). This early announcement’s purpose is to stimulate your interest in advance of the formal solicitation. Most of the sessions will be organized by the Society’s technical groups. The Call for Proposals will include the names of program chairs for each of these groups. In addition, you will have the opportunity to submit proposals to the chairs of General Sessions,
Workshops, and Special Sessions. On-line submission and review will be available to expedite the review process. Authors whose proposals are accepted will be encouraged to submit a five-page proceedings paper.

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Volume 46 Number 10
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