On the Cusp of a Crisis – Connecting the Dots

Keywords Council of Scientific Society Presidents HFES National Academy of Sciences
Standards groups

At this time of year, many of us are looking at the weather
report for the next major winter storm and asking, “What will I
submit to HFES this year?” Well, I can’t answer questions about
rain or snow, but I can shed some light on the opportunities for
submissions to the HFES 50th Annual Meeting, to be held in San
Francisco, October 16–20, 2006. Submissions are due March 1,
2006, through the MiraSMART electronic submission system,
which is noted in the Call for Proposals (now online at http://www(link is external).
There are several important and new elements for the 2006 Annual
Meeting. I strongly encourage everyone to read the Call for
Proposals carefully and soon, so that we can minimize last-minute
questions, confusions, or misunderstandings. Here are the main
changes that everyone should be aware of as they consider their

Submission types and instructions have been expanded and
clarified for the range of presentation types. Numerous requests
for improving the information shared with authors and technical
groups have led to a substantial rewriting of the submission
guidelines. We have specifically explained the HFES interest in
practitioner, research, and theoretical submissions, and several
submission types have been redefined. New options include direct
submissions to technical groups (TGs) for material previously directed
to Special Sessions and a keyword list for all submissions.
In recognition of the desire for special 50th anniversary highlight
materials, “invited lectures” can be requested by TG program
chairs. Symposium and panel options have been further distinguished
and clarified for the benefit of authors, program chairs,
and reviewers.

Look for a flowchart of submission options in this year’s Call for
Proposals. There are new instructions for both authors and program
chairs to help improve the quality of submissions and ensure
that submissions are directed quickly to the correct TG.
Demonstration and alternative format proposals should be
submitted to the technical groups. In the past, we have seen confusion
regarding which submissions should go to Special Sessions.
In order to further improve communication and awareness within
and among the TGs, we are directing all submissions, in both traditional
and alternative formats, to the TGs (or to General Sessions
if the subject matter does not fit within a single TG focus).

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