Requirements Engineering Management Handbook

Keywords requirements engineering requirements aircraft handbook
Standards groups

This Handbook presents a set of recommended practices on how to collect, write, validate, and organize requirements. It attempts to bring together the best ideas from several approaches, organize them into a coherent whole, and illustrate them with concrete examples that make their benefits clear.
The Handbook is targeted to the domain of real-time, embedded systems and specifically to the avionics industry. It describes a set of recommended practices in which basic concepts can be practiced in isolation, but reinforce each other when practiced as a whole. These practices allow developers to progress from an initial, high-level overview of a system to a detailed description of its behavioral and performance requirements. Due to the growing importance of software in avionics systems, these practices emphasize techniques to ease the transition from system to software requirements.
Concrete examples are used throughout the Handbook to make the concepts clear, but there are many other formats that could be used to obtain the same objectives. It is expected that most organizations wanting to use these practices will want to modify them, perhaps significantly, to integrate them with their existing processes and tools.

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technical handbook
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