HFES and Federation Cohost Forum on Science and Technology Education

Keywords HFES and Federation Cohost Forum on Science and Technology Education From Research to Market Small Business Innovation Research National Institutes of Health National Science Foundation Department of Education

The Education and Training Committee invites those submitting workshop proposals for the HFES 51st Annual Meeting to focus on providing high-quality training opportunities that meet the primary education and training needs identified by members in the E&T Committee’s 2003 survey. Survey results showed that desired content areas included HCI, displays, cognition, sensation-perception, situation awareness, training, stress/fatigue, expert systems, individual differences, workplace design, warnings, communication and instructional technologies, consumer products, and special populations.
The skill areas that members identified in the 2003 survey included task analysis, simulation methods, statistical data analyses, test and evaluation, usability analysis, applying HF/E principles, workload measurement, modeling, project/time management, systems analysis, safety/risk assessment, survey construction, experimental methods, human reliability analysis, and prototyping. Full survey results may be viewed at http://www.hfes.org/web/Membership/(link is external)

Proposals for workshops in these areas are highly desired and
urgently solicited. When submitting your proposal, be sure to
indicate whether you would like the E&T Committee to evaluate
it. Proposals are subject to the normal technical review process.
Accepted workshops that are approved by E&T are eligible for an
additional honorarium. For details about submitting a workshop
proposal, see the Call for Proposals (http://www.hfes.org/Web/(link is external)

The E&T Committee cosponsored three successful full-day
workshops at the 2006 HFES Annual Meeting in San Francisco:
(1) Cognitive Work Analysis for Design (Gavan Lintern), (2) Designing
to Enhance Situation Awareness (Mica Endsley and Debra
Jones), and (3) Survey Construction and Use: A Primer for Practitioners
(William Moroney and Joyce Cameron). Questions about
the E&T Committee may be directed to pat.delucia at ttu.edu.

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Corinna Lathan is chief executive officer of AT KidSystems and president, CEO, and cofounder of AnthroTronix. Her background includes research, teaching, and consulting in the areas of biomedical and human performance engineering, human factors, and education. Charlotte Safos is product development director for AT KidSystems and project management director for AnthroTronix. Her previous work includes developing and managing projects for children and adults with disabilities.

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