Concept of Operations

Keywords concept of operations safety communications systems
Standards groups

The first constraint is that there should be no degradation in current
services and capabilities. In today’s public safety environment,
9‑1‑1 networks are highly reliable for the customers they serve.
These 9‑1‑1 networks use the Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN) as the primary means for the public to request
emergency services, and will remain a significant access method
for many years to come. In addition, wireless E9‑1‑1 networks
have been deployed in many local and state jurisdictions and
have also proved to be highly reliable. Implementers of NG9‑1‑1
networks should strive to ensure NG9‑1‑1 services will meet or
exceed industry standards for call completions, voice quality, and
reliability. The NG9‑1‑1 System will provide an opportunity for
all jurisdictions to transition to higher levels of 9‑1‑1 services and
capabilities while maintaining and improving current reliability.
A second, related, constraint is that neighboring 9‑1‑1 systems
must remain viable as NG9‑1‑1 is incrementally deployed
by localities, including both urban and rural areas. The
reliability, robustness, and security of the 9‑1‑1 system must
not degrade as new access technologies and corresponding
risks and challenges are introduced into the system.

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