Keywords product review product requirements review procedure technical requirements low control
Standards groups

This procedure applies to the development and review of technical Product Requirements for Low-Control projects/activities (as opposed to requirements defined in a Statement of Work which are reviewed using the “Statement of Work (SOW) Review Procedure”). A project/activity is defined as Low Control if any one of the following is true; the project/activity has: a total potential personnel resource investment of less than 8 FTE (but more than 2 FTE) across all lifecycle phases; depending on the full cost of the FTE, this may be between $0.5M to over $2M, a potential for waste of facility resources (e.g., electricity, liquid nitrogen, operational costs) of less than $250K – but greater than $50K if failure occurred; this is only the cost of potential waste of facility resources if failure occurred – not the total cost of the project/activity, potential risk to routine operations of at most a facility inconvenience if a failure occurred (e.g., a facility test has to be re-run due to the failure), or potential for knowledge of a failure at the Directorate or Branch level if failure occurred.

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product review
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5524_7-21-06_Req-Low_RevA_generic_R1V0.doc application/msword   112.5 KB English DOWNLOAD!
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