Adjusting Software Life-Cycle Anchorpoints Lessons Learned in a System of Systems Context Steven Crosson (PM FCS) and Barry Boehm (USC)

Keywords Adjusting Software Life-Cycle Anchorpoints Lessons Learned in a System of Systems Context Steven Crosson and Barry Boehm
Standards groups

It should be noted that while these review events cover a wide range of the software development life cycle, and provide status on key components of any software development effort, that large portions of the reviews are indeed artifact- and evidence-based. There is definite value in artifact-centric, evidence-based reviews as they provide the opportunity to evaluate the software development planning, design and architecture perspectives and help ensure the proper software solution is being developed, hopefully cutting down on errors of interpretation of intent, and resulting in a product that should deliver the proper capability. There is an inherent issue with the checkpoint events with regard to consistency of artifacts. This is especially a problem in the checkpoint events that involve “roll-ups” of LCO and LCA artifacts.

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