Reducing Instability In A Transforming Organization

Keywords Reducing Instability In A Transforming Organization System Design and Management
Standards groups

The purpose of this paper will be to:
1) Present an outline of the process used to align the corporation
2) Present the results of whether there is a measurable difference in instability
driven by changes in leadership vision between departments that use the
“roadmap” process and those that don’t
3) Compare the results from this company and others studied in the past to
determine if there is more or less internal instability naturally within the
4) Conclude whether the roadmap process evaluated is beneficial or not and
propose potential modifications to the process.

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technical white paper
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It is obvious from many studies that an alignment and understanding around vision, strategy and goals must occur within a corporation across all organizations before the corporation can operate at its highest efficiency. This becomes even more important in a “flat” organization with distributed leaders. Having this type organization allows transformation to a lean enterprise because decisions can be made at a much lower level and therefore accomplished faster. However, the leaders must know and understand the corporate vision, strategy and organizational goals, which create the context and framework for many of the
decisions that will need to be made. Absent this understanding, decisions can appear disjointed, uneven and without purpose towards meeting larger corporate goals and once made, the decision may not in fact support the corporate strategy. The results of this may manifest itself in internal instability caused by leadership vision changes.

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