The Cornwell Enterprise Architecture Maturity Dashboard

Keywords The Cornwell Enterprise Architecture Maturity Dashboard DoD architecture framework
Standards groups

In any new EA project, one of the most important things to do early on is establish what already exists in terms of architectural products. In other words, there is a requirement for an audit of the organisation’s business and technical models. From working on a number of EA projects, Cornwell recognised the need for a packaged EA audit service, using the skills of our consultants to analyse existing architectural products and provide guidance to the customer on what is needed to complete the architecture. A key part of this service is
presenting the findings of the audit in such a way that the customer quickly understands where the strengths and gaps in the architecture exist.

Put simply, the Cornwell EA audit service provides experienced EA consultants who collate, analyse and report on the state of the customer’s enterprise architecture. The first stage is to ascertain an appropriate architectural framework to scope the audit. This is a crucial aspect of the audit as it defines what types of product are in scope and which are not, and also defines how the results are to be presented – the EA Maturity Dashboard.

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This paper outlines Cornwell’s approach to assessing the maturity of an organisation’s Enterprise Architecture. The method uses standard architecture frameworks to categorise and assess the various models of the enterprise that exist. In each category, the models are measured against maturity and completeness. The result of the assessment is a simple “dashboard” graphic that quickly communicates the state of the organisation’s enterprise architecture to the stakeholder community.

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