FAA Asset Identification Process and Procedure Guide

Keywords FAA Identification Process FAA Asset FAA identification barcoding tagging
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This guide covers all FAA accountable personal property and operating inventory used in the National Airspace System (NAS) and other FAA personal property assets used in the performance of its mission that is owned or controlled by the FAA. These assets are located within all FAA facilities as well as contractor facilities. In addition:
a) Future acquisitions of NAS systems require vendors to identify and tag all assets to the lowest replaceable/repairable units (LRU), during assembly or at the time deemed most appropriate in order to maintain the warranty or integrity of the assets.
b) Future acquisitions of non-NAS assets or systems, consisting of FAA accountable property, as defined in FAA Order 4600.27A are tagged prior to delivery to or acceptance by the FAA. Non-accountable assets may be tagged and recorded in AITS at the discretion of the property custodian.

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FAA DI-ATO-W-2003-005.pdf application/pdf   842.67 KB English DOWNLOAD!
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Asset Management and NAS Supply Support Team Technical Operations Service, ATO-W
Air Traffic Organization
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