Parametric Estimating Handbook

Keywords Parametric Estimating Handbook cost estimating handbook
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This Second Edition of the Parametric Estimating Handbook is a comprehensive guide for Industry and Government acquisition professionals who prepare, evaluate (i.e., perform technical evaluations and/or contract audits), or negotiate proposals based on parametric estimating techniques. This handbook serves as a foundation for companies interested in making broader use of parametric estimating techniques as a basis of estimate (BOE) in their proposals to the Government. Parametric estimating is an acceptable method, according to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), for preparing proposals based on cost or pricing data or other types of data. The primary benefit from developing a parametric estimating capability is a more streamlined estimating and proposal process for both Industry and Government. The Second Edition replaces the First Edition (issued in the Fall of 1995) by building on the technical content and adding new chapters on Government regulations, implementation teams, and technical evaluations. The Second Edition also makes use of the experiences and results of the teams participating in the Parametric Estimating Reinvention Laboratory.

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technical handbook
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