Smart Cities Initiative

Keywords INCOSE Incose international workshop Smart Cities Initiative smart energy energy
Standards groups

Potential Products
Architecture template for Smart Cities, possibly MBSE model Context model
Stakeholder model
Stakeholder Management Plan
Tailored Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) for Smart Cities (gathers and helps drive all 30 of the processes specified in ISO/IEC 15288)
Demonstrated interface template for Smart Cities CATS (N2 diagram)
Smart Cities Concept of Operations Template
Supporting public communication tools:
Definition of why it?s important to use a systems approach to Smart City CATS, tailored for various audiences in the public sector (elected officials, planners, designers)
Hand-out on considerations for future integration ? Smart Cities step one.
Executive Sales Kit Package
Brief Presentation(s) aimed at ? C-Suite, Mayors, Legislators, Executives to assist them in the understanding of the importance of a holistic view of all the new integrations that are likely to occur

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