Thanks for the Memories

Keywords Human Factors and Ergonomics in Design HFES Bulletin Federation of Behavioral Psychological and Cognitive Sciences Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

Student affairs. D. Kristen Gilbert and Anthony D. Andre cochaired the Student Affairs Committee and continue to engage our student members in the activities of the Society through list servers, activities such as the book drive and the review of the annual meeting program, Student Career and Professional Development Day at the annual meeting, and awards for outstanding
students and student chapters.

Standards activities. HFES is actively involved in U.S. standards and best practices. (The Standards and Best Practices Committee is chaired by Thomas J. Albin.) We are also participating in international standards with Kathleen M. Robinette as the overall chair of the TC 159 Committee on Ergonomics, along with subcommittees SC1 – Ergonomic Guiding Principles (chaired by James R.
Williams), SC3 – Anthropometry (chaired by Claire C. Gordon), SC4 – Ergonomics of Human System Interaction (chaired by James R. Williams), and SC5 – Ergonomics of the Physical Environment (chaired by Sheryl L. Chappell).

Plans for a year-long celebration of our 50th anniversary. Douglas
H. Harris is chairing the 50th Anniversary Task Force, which is
developing some wonderful ideas to both celebrate our history and
plan for our future. The kick-off for the celebration will be at the
2006 Annual Meeting in San Francisco.

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Volume 48 Number 9
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