Keywords MATURITY AND SUCCESS IN I.T. Summary Report

•Successful project (or complete success or, simply, success): The project ended
on the planned date, cost and scope. Deviations of these three aspects were small and not significant. The client/user was fully satisfied, because the delivered product is being used and really added value to his work
• Partially successful project (partial or compromised success): The project was
finished and the delivered software is being used. Nevertheless, compromising facts (significant delays and/or budget overruns and/or scope deviations) occurred or the user is partially satisfied because the product was not delivered on time and/or does not have all the expected and required features and/or does not add the expected value to the client’s work.
• Failed project: The project was suspended or the delivered product is not being used because it does not fulfill the user’s expectations, or the delay was so significant that the business lost money. The user/client is severely dissatisfied.

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We present the Final Report – Summarized Version of the 2008 Archibald & Prado research results on Maturity and Success in IT. The complete report contains all data and broad results analysis.
This survey was available for free at is external) from January to March of 2009; professionals surveyed represent 41 organizations that deal with IT and that participated in the first stage of the survey, which took place during the last months of 2008. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Considering the complexity of the subject, this research, as 2006’s version, remains as an exploratory study which aims to establish the foundation for other studies.

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