Defense Standardization Program (DSP)

Keywords Defense Standardization Program DoD
Standards groups

a. Ensure that materiel standardization, including information technology and facilities, is addressed throughout the acquisition process.
b. Ensure compliance with specifications and standards required by law, regulations, and international standardization agreements, as applicable.
c. Ensure compliance with the DSP procedures in Reference (e).
d. Ensure that necessary planning, programming, and budgeting resources are provided to Component personnel to develop and maintain specifications, standards, and other related standardization documents in accordance with Reference (e).
e. Designate a senior official as the Component Standardization Executive, as described in Enclosure 3, to ensure the implementation of this Instruction and identify organizations within the DoD Component that are authorized to serve as one of the standardization management activity functions in Reference (e).

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NUMBER 4120.24
Date published
Document type
White Paper
Defines standard
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DoD Instruction 4120.24, Defense Standardization Program (DSP).pdf application/pdf   78.46 KB English DOWNLOAD!
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In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5134.01 (Reference (a)), this Instruction reissues DoD Instruction (DoDI) 4120.24 (Reference (b)) to establish policy and assign responsibilities for the DSP pursuant to sections 2451, 2452 and 2457 of title 10, United States Code (Reference (c)) and establish the Charter for the Defense Standardization Council.

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