Successful Software Product Line Management

Keywords successful software product line management
Standards groups

Developer-Focused Organizations are those who produce software applications and enterprise systems
Lack of strategic technical focus, lack of consistently applied software engineering practices across teams, stagnant integration and deployment efforts, and lack of technical agreement across team boundaries
Technical teams always focus on the code and functionality and they do love their autonomy

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ELG 5100
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Software Management
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Successful Software Product Line Management.pptx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation   325.46 KB English DOWNLOAD!
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The software product line (SPL) is applied in various sectors.
Boeing, Philips, Nokia, Motorola, Lucent, HP It is an approach to exploit product commonalities and reuse them in way that will increase productivity and save budget and time.

Yikun Wang
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