Systems Engineering and Model Based Systems Engineering

Keywords Stakeholder State of the Discipline model based systems engineering nasa systems engineering
Standards groups

NASA Systems Engineering queried external SE organizations to
Understand where they are now and where they are going
Identify possible partnerships
Results Overview:
NASA and study sources agree that SE workforce technical, systems management, and people leadership skills are all healthy
Skills increase with experience
SE organizations overwhelmingly agree that SE should emphasize innovation
Most sources agree that MBSE can be beneficial, but benefits are difficult to measure
Cultural issues represent the #1 MBSE challenge
MBSE is in its infancy – A majority have <25% adoption and a plurality have <10% adoption

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SE and MBSE State of Industry v11 06.10.2020.pptx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation   882.88 KB English DOWNLOAD!
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