Model Portfolio Management Guide – INCOSE Overview

Keywords incose conference INCOSE incose handbook Model Portfolio Management Guide
Standards groups

Currently, there is no published standard or guide to set tasks that ensure proper management of a collection of models. Organizations are left to construct an approach that many times is lacking in rigor and adds risk to model development and management. Furthermore, without a standard or guide, contracting for proper model management is not well understood or articulated causing a great variance in bidder approaches.
The Aerospace Corporation’s report TOR 2020-01577, cleared for public release, developed against the INCOSE document style guide, has been used to fill this hole. This document is being offered to INCOSE as a basis for adopting it as a guide or as the basis for an INCOSE guide.
This workshop will discuss the need for an INCOSE Model Portfolio Management Guide document, and with help from participants to identify related publications, and discuss how to continue development or refinement using INCOSE Tech Ops and an INCOSE Technical Performance Plan (TPP). A draft TPP will be used as a basis of discussion.

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manager's guide
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John Nallon, Al Hoheb, Misak Zetilyan
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