A Survey of Simulation Tools for Requirements Engineering

Keywords requirements requirements engineering simulation survey

A Survey of
Simulation Tools for
Requirements Engineering

Final report of the work group “Simulationswerkzeuge für das Requirements Engineering”.
The work group was part of the Special Interest Group on Requirements Engineering
(FG 2.1.6) of the German Informatics society (GI).

Reto Schmid, Johannes Ryser, Stefan Berner, Martin Glinz
Department of Information Technology, University of Zurich
{rschmid, ryser, berner, glinz}@ifi.unizh.ch

Ralf Reutemann
Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace AG
reutemann.ralf@dornier.dasa.de(link sends email)

Erwin Fahr
Berufsakademie Ravensburg
fahr@ba-ravensburg.de(link sends email)

Document identifier
Technical Report 2000.06
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technical report
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TR2000.06 provides a useful insight into approaches to simulation in support of SE, and to associated tools. The data on tools is representative of end-1999.

Care should be exercised in using the information within the paper. Although the paper has merit, it reflects misunderstandings of some issues in simulation, and also of capabilities of some of the tools surveyed.

More detailed guidance on the useful areas and limitations of this paper may be available in a future update to this CD-ROM/web site.

Copyright Technology Australasia Pty Ltd 2001


Validation of requirements specifications is undoubtly an integral and indispensable
part of requirements engineering. Validation is the process of checking whether
requirements specifications meet the intentions and expectations of the stakeholders.
One approach to support the process of validation is based on simulation/execution and
animation of system (behaviour) models that are derived from initial requirements
specifications. However, the benefit of executable models is determined by the
capabilities of the corresponding simulation tools. This paper presents a survey on
simulation and animation capabilities of ten modern software/system engineering tools.

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