System Development Process

Keywords SE System Development Process systems engineering se process SE requirements
Standards groups

• Translation into Functions: - Selecting, subdividing, or aggregating functional elements - Identification and description of all functions to be provided - To be reflected in system functional specifications • Trade-off Analysis: - Inductive process in which a set of postulated alternatives are examined and the one judged to be best for the intended purpose is selected - Trade-offs involve: the comparison of alternatives with those that are superior in others - To be necessary to explore a sufficient number of alternative implementations • Functional Interactions: - The early identification of all significant functional interactions - “modular” - The identification of all external interactions and the interfaces

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Modern engineered systems come into being in response to social needs or because of new opportunities offered by advancing technology, or both ™ system development characteristics - Complex effort - Meets an important user need - Usually requires several years to complete - Made up of many interrelated tasks - Involves several different disciplines - Usually performed by several organizations - Specific schedule and budget

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