Keywords SASSA Tailoring Systems Engineering Processes for Rapid Space Acquisitions space acquisitions thesis systems engineering Rapid Acquisitions space Satellite Payload Space Situational Awareness air force Technology Demonstration Lessons Learned
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Spurred by the 2007 Chinese Anti-Satellite (ASAT) event, the Self Awareness Space Situational Awareness (SASSA) technology demonstration program was established to evolve the concept of Space Situational Awareness (SSA), which would address local satellite awareness, as well as contribute to global awareness of space objects. SASSA has also sought to find a reasonable path for a more pervasive and accessible solution to local satellite threat warning, versus current satellite-specific implementations. The SASSA program utilizes the paradigm that an understanding of the local threat environment enables the possibility of action towards threat protection. A potential solution being demonstrated by SASSA is to develop adaptable and flexible space and ground elements whose primary aspects remain the same while peripherals are adapted to specific threat warning needs. This concept, once matured, may lead to a “onesize-fits-most” product line for threat warning systems. Conceptually the SASSA architecture would be capable of integrating various threat warning sensor suites with well-defined standard interfaces on satellite vehicles. This concept applied across the U.S.’ space assets could dramatically increase our understanding of the natural and manmade space environment, ultimately enabling significantly enhanced protection capabilities for our national space assets.

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This thesis describes and evaluates the tailoring of SE guidance for DoD acquisitions for a smaller, rapid space acquisition program. An inherent assumption is that there is a standard body of systems engineering guidance provided to the DoD community from which to develop and draw direction for how to implement and apply systems engineering practices to such a program.

Kipp M. Johnson
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