
Georgia Institute of Technology


From Wikipedia(link is external): Georgia Institute of Technology(link is external):

The Georgia Institute of Technology (commonly called Georgia Tech, Tech, and GT) is a public, coeducational research university in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States. It is a part of the University System of Georgia and has satellite campuses in Savannah, Georgia; Metz, France; Athlone, Ireland; Shanghai, China; and Singapore.

The educational institution was founded in 1885 as the Georgia School of Technology as part of Reconstruction plans to build an industrial economy in the post-Civil War Southern United States. Initially, it only offered a degree in mechanical engineering. By 1901, its curriculum had expanded to include electrical, civil, and chemical engineering. In 1948, the school changed its name to reflect its evolution from a trade school to a larger and more capable technical institute and research university. Today, Georgia Tech is organized into six colleges and contains about 31 departments/units, with a strong emphasis on science and technology. It is recognized for its programs in engineering, computing, and the sciences, and offers degrees in architecture, liberal arts, and management.

AP-233 (Application Protocol 233)


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STEP's System Engineering Project

AP233 is a STEP-based data exchange standard targeted to support the needs of the systems engineering community, consistent with emerging standards in CAD, structural, electrical, engineering analysis and support domains. The AP233 Project is collaborating with the OMG SE DSIG team that is developing systems engineering extensions to Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML™) and INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering), a systems engineering professional society.

Document title Sort descending Document identifier Document date File size File
AP-233 Overview 2001-09-13 1.61 MB   DOWNLOAD!
Support for Object-Orientation in AP-233 UNKNOWN 82.98 KB   DOWNLOAD!