Naval Aviation Systems Acquisition Guide

Keywords aviation NAVAIR Naval Air Systems Command naval aviation Naval Aviation Systems Team navy systems acquisition
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Fourteenth Edition
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A. The Guide: What It Is and Is Not ‑

This guide was developed for the Naval Air Systems Team in recognition of the need to:

Provide a single consolidated overview of the major internal NAVAIR Team acquisition processes.

Provide a quick, ready reference identifying the major reviews, approval, and documentation requirements associated with the acquisition process.

Provide helpful advice from our "corporate memory" to Program Managers (PMs) and their Integrated Program Teams (IPTs), and team members that are new to the process.

Provide a list of key acquisition experts and process managers to assist the PMs/IPTs through the acquisition process.

The following points represent what this guide is not intended to do:

It does not supersede existing Notices, Instructions, Directives or established DoD/DoN/NAVAIR Team policy on the acquisition process.

It does not describe every activity and/or document required in managing a program within the NAVAIR Team.

It is not a "cookbook" approach to our acquisition process. The uniqueness of each acquisition program precludes such an approach.

B. The Guide ‑ Its Purpose

The systems acquisition and life cycle management process for the development, production, and support of weapons/systems to satisfy the needs of the Fleet is extremely complex and lengthy. There are numerous interrelated Department of Defense and Navy directives and implementing instructions detailing each part of the process.

The purpose of this NAVAIR Team Acquisition Guide is to "pull together" the activities and critical documentation required and put these requirements in a concise, maintainable, and easy-to-use format to help our PMs/IPTs plan ahead. The need for PMs, IPT leaders, and their attendant team members, particularly new members, to know the process and sequence of events and average time cycle to complete events is essential for planning their programs and ensuring timely obligation/expenditure of funds budgeted. In addition, by seeing the entire process, our NAVAIR leadership can focus on better ways to manage that process by establishing time limits for each part of the acquisition process and minimizing the number of process events, and monitoring system performance measurement against the established process standards

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