Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering

Keywords Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering SE LSE introduction SE
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3. The Six Lean Principles - creating value without waste:
1. The customer defines value. The value proposition must be captured with crystal clarity early in the program (applies to both external and internal customers)
2. Map the value stream. Prepare for and plan all end-to-end linked activities necessary to realise value, streamlined, after eliminating waste, using the best decision-making processes
3. Make value flow continuously along the value stream. This should happen without stopping, rework, or backflow (legitimate optimised iterations are okay)
4. Let customers pull value. The customer’s pull/need defines all tasks and their timing (internal or external)
5. Pursue perfection. Constantly improve your processes, and make all imperfections visible in order to motivate continuous improvement
6. Respect for people. Create a system of mutually respectful, trusting, honest, cooperating and synergistic relationships of key stakeholders, motivating staff to exhibit top capabilities.

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Lean Systems Engineering (LSE) is the application of Lean Thinking to Systems Engineering, with the goal to deliver the best life-cycle value for technically complex systems with minimal waste.

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