Keywords SYSTEM ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT PLAN for the I-680 SMART LANE PROJECT systems engineering A. Quality Management Plan Guidelines

• Configuration Management Plan Guidelines – This document provides various guidelines pertaining to the ETS configuration and how the Integrator should develop, maintain and adhere to internal configuration management procedures and processes to ensure that system design, development, enhancements and modifications are deployed in a manner that prevents additional problems from affecting the system operation.

• System Integration Plan Guidelines – This document provides the required details regarding how the various equipment, subsystems and overall system will be fully integrated and tested by the Integrator to ensure that a fully integrated and operating system is deployed that meets all of the functional requirements that are presented in the RFP and the other contract documents. This pertains to the hardware and software components of the Smart Lane system.

• Verification (Test) Plan Guidelines – This document provides the various system testing and validation requirements that will be implemented by the Integrator to ensure that the delivered ETS meets all of the system requirements that are presented in the RFP and the other contract documents.

• Deployment Plan Guidelines – This document provides all of the details pertaining to how the Smart Lane system will be prepared for installation, installed, tested and opened to traffic. The actual equipment and software development, integration testing and installation plans shall be provided by the Integrator as part of their required documentation submittals.

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•System requirements – are those specific requirements that must be met by the equipment and/or system provided by the Integrator as described in the RFP and other contract documents.

•Functional requirements – are those requirements defined by functional attributes. These requirements, which are also defined in the RFP and contract documents, shall be met by the equipment and/or system provided by the Integrator.

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