DPI (Dynamic Passenger Information)

Keywords Dynamic Passenger Information DPI Project management Plan
Standards groups

The primary objective of the DPI System is to provide VTA’s customers with accurate and reliable real-time transit information. This information includes the real-time location of transit vehicles and the estimated next vehicle arrival and departure times for all transit routes. It is envisioned that this information would be accessible by way of the Internet and telephone, as well as electronic information display boards at key transit stops within Santa Clara County. These locations include major bus stops, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)/Rapid Bus stops, Light Rail Transit (LRT) stations, transit centers, and joint transit stops (e.g. those shared with other transit service providers). This real-time information would also be disseminated through MTC’s 511 Systems and VTA’s customer service center.

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manager's guide
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: This project plan documents the project planning process and consists of the following basic tasks:

• Defining the sequence of tasks to be performed
• Identifying all deliverables associated with the project
• Defining the dependency relationship between tasks
• Estimating the resources required to perform each task
• Scheduling all tasks to be performed
• Defining the budget for performing the tasks
• Defining the organization executing the project
• Identifying the known project risks
• Defining the process ensuring quality of the project product
• Defining the process specifying and controlling requirements

Keith Roan
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