TAA-ME04-000906-3 - Software Development Plan (SDP)

Keywords Data Item Description (DID) software development Software Development Plan (SDP)
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The Software Development Plan (SDP) defines the plans and procedures of an enterprise for
the management and conduct by that enterprise of a fully integrated technical program in
conduct of the software development element(s) of a project. The plan also deals with the
evaluation, selection and qualification of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software.

The SDP, including or supplemented by subordinate plans, is used to provide direction and
guidance to the technical team responsible for conduct of the software development work.
The SDP in may also be used to provide visibility to a customer of a tenderer's or
contractor's proposed software development planning and processes.

The content of the SDP is intended to be responsive to project requirements, including
contract requirements, but is not, itself, intended to be invoked contractually.

The SDP is subordinate to and derives its authority from a System Engineering Management
Plan or similar document. This Data Item Description (DID) for the SDP may also be cited
contractually in a Statement of Requirement (SOR), Statement of Work (SOW), a Contract
Data Requirements List (CDRL), or within a standard invoked by a SOR or SOW.

The SDP may exist in partial satisfaction of the requirements of process standards such as
AS 3563, DOD-STD-2167A, MIL-STD-498 or IEEE 1498, which may be invoked
contractually or by enterprise management decision.

This DID incorporates and adapts some non-copyrighted material contained in the DIDs of
a MIL-STD-498 draft issued by the United States Government.

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