IEEE Std 1298 - Software Quality Management System. Part 1: Requirements. Adopted From Standards Australia


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 1298. This is Australian Standard AS 3563.1-1991. This standard establishes requirements for a software developer’s quality management system. It identifies each of the elements of a quality management system to be designed, developed, and maintained by the developer with the objective of ensuring that the software will meet the requirements of a contract, purchase order, or other agreement.

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IEEE Std 1209-1992 - IEEE Recommended Practice for the Evaluation and Selection of CASE Tools [Draft]


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

This recommended practice provides individuals and organisations a process for the evaluation and selection of computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools. The recommended practice addresses the evaluation and selection of tools supporting software engineering processes including project management processes, development processes and integral processes.

IEEE Std 1074 - IEEE Standard for Developing a Software Project Life Cycle Process


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 1074. This standard defines the set of activities that constitute the processes that are mandatory for the development and maintenance of software. The management and support processes that continue throughout the entire life cycle, as well as all aspects of the software life cycle from concept exploration through retirement, are covered. Associated input and output information is also provided. Utilisation of the processes and their component activities maximises the benefits to the user when the use of this standard is initiated early in the software life cycle. This standard requires definition of a user’s software life cycle and shows its mapping into typical software life cycles. It is not intended to define or imply a software life cycle of its own.

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IEEE Std 1063 - IEEE Standard for Software User Documentation


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 1063. This standard provides minimum requirements on the structure and information content of user documentation, It applies primarily to technical substance rather than to style. Users of this standard may develop their own style manual for use within their organisations to implement the requirements of this standard.

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IEEE Std 1061 - IEEE Standard for a Software Quality Metrics Methodology


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

Draft IEEE Std 1061. This standard provides a methodology for establishing quality requirements and identifying, implementing, analysing, and validating the process and product of software quality metrics. This standard does not prescribe specific metrics. It does include examples of metrics together with a complete example of the standard’s use.

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IEEE Std 1058 - IEEE Standard for Software Project Management Plans


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 1058.1. This standard specifies the format and contents of software project management plans. It does not specify the procedures or techniques to be used in the development of project management plans, or does it provide examples of project management plans, instead the standard sets a foundation for an organisation to build its own set of practices and procedures for developing project management plans.

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IEEE Std 1045 - IEEE Standard for Software Productivity Metrics


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 1045. This standard defines a framework for measuring and reporting productivity of the software process. It focuses on definitions of how to measure software process productivity and what to report when giving productivity results. It is meant for those who want to measure the productivity of the software process for creating code and documentation products.

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IEEE Std 1042 - IEEE Guide to Software Configuration Management


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 1042. The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance in planning Software Configuration Management (SCM) practices that are compatible with IEEE Std 828. The guide focuses on the process of SCM planning and provides a broad perspective for the understanding of software configuration management.

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IEEE Std 1028 - IEEE Standard for Software Reviews and Audits


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 1028. Software reviews and audits are a basic part of the ongoing evaluation of software products as they pass along the software development life cycle. This standard provides direction to the reviewer or auditor on the conduct of evaluations. Included are processes applicable to both critical and non-critical software and the procedures required for the execution of reviews and audits.

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IEEE Std 1016 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology-Systems Design - Software Design Descriptions


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 1016. A software design description is a representation of a software system. It is used as a medium for communicating software design information. This recommended practice describes that documentation of software designs. It specifies the necessary information content and the recommended organisation for a software design description.

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IEEE Std 1012 - IEEE Standard for Software Verification and Validation


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 1012. This standard has a threefold purpose:

a. to provide, for both critical and non-critical software, uniform and minimum requirements for the format and content of Software Verification and Validation Plans (SVVPs);

b. to define, for critical software, specific minimum Verification and Validation (V&V) tasks and their required inputs and outputs that shall be included in SVVPs; and

c. to suggest optional V&V tasks to be used to tailor SVVPs as appropriate for the particular V&V effort.

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IEEE Std 1008 - IEEE Standard for Software Unit Testing


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

Software unit testing is a process that includes the performance of test planning, the development of a test set, and the measurement of a test unit against its requirement. measuring entails the use of sample data to exercise the unit and the comparison of the unit’s actual behaviour with its required behaviour as specified in the unit’s requirement documentation. This standard defines an integrated approach to systematic and documented unit testing. The approach uses unit design and unit implementation information, in addition to unit requirements, to determine the completeness of the testing. The standard describes a testing process composed of a hierarchy of phases, activities, and tasks. Further, it defines a minium set of tasks for each activity, although additional tasks may be added to any activity.

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IEEE Std 1002 - IEEE Standard Taxonomy for Software Engineering Standards


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

This standard describes the form and content of a software engineering standards taxonomy. It explains the various types of software engineering standards, their functional and external relationships, and the role of various functions participating in the software life cycle. The taxonomy may be used as a method for planning the development or evaluation of standards for an organisation. It could also serve as a basis for classifying a set of standards or for organising a standards manual.

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IEEE Std 990 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Ada as a Program Design Language


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 990. This recommended practice provides recommendations reflecting state-of-the-art and alternate approaches to good practice for characteristics of Program Design Languages (PDLs) based on the syntax and semantics of the Ada Programming Language. In this document, these are referred to as Ada PDLs.

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IEEE Std 982.1 - IEEE Standard Dictionary of Measures to Produce Reliable Software


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 982.1. This standard provides definitions of selected measures. The measures are intended for use throughout the software development life cycle in order to produce reliable software. The standard does not specify or require the use of any of the measures. Its intent is to describe the individual measures and their use.

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IEEE Std 830 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 830. This guide describes alternate approaches to good practice in the specification of software requirements. To enable the reader to make knowledgeable choices, extensive tutorial material is provided. This guide covers the attributes of a good software requirements specification, as well as specification methodologies and associated formats.

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IEEE Std 829 - IEEE Standard for Software and System Test Documentation


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 829. This standard defines the content and format of eight documents that cover the entire testing process. The test plan prescribes the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of the testing activities. It identifies the items to be tested, the testing tasks to be performed, the personnel responsible for each task, and the risks associated with the plan. Test specification is covered by three document types, while test reporting is covered by four document types. The standard shows the relationships of these documents to one another as they are developed, and to the test process they document.

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IEEE Std 828 - IEEE Standard for Software Configuration Management Plans


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 828. This standard is similar in format to IEEE Std 730, but deals with the more limited subject of software configuration management. The standard identifies requirements for configuration identification, configuration control, configuration status accounting and reporting, and configuration audits and reviews. The implementation of those requirements provides a means by which the evolution of the software product items are recorded, communicated and controlled. This provides assurance of the integrity and continuity of the software product items as they evolve through the software development and maintenance life cycle.

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IEEE Std 730 - IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 730. This standard has legal liability as its basic rationale. It is directed toward the development and maintenance of critical software, that is, where failure could impact safety or cause large financial or social losses. The orientation is toward delineating all of the planned and systematic actions on a particular project that would provide adequate confidence that the software product conforms to established technical requirement. The standard establishes a required format and a set of minimum contents for software quality assurance plans.

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IEEE Std 610 - IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology


From IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection:

IEEE Std 610.12 is a revision and redesignation of IEEE Std 729. This standard contains definitions for more than 1000 terms, establishing the basic vocabulary of software engineering. Building on a foundation of American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) terms, it promotes clarity and consistency in the vocabulary of software engineering and associated fields.

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IEEE/EIA 12207.2-1997 - Guide for ISO/IEC 12207, Standard for Information Technology - Software Life Cycle Processes - Implementation considerations

Industry implementation of International Standard ISO/IEC 12207: 1995. (ISO/IEC 12207 standard for information technology - software life cycle processes - implementation considerations

Defines standard/methodology
Related standards/methodologies