USC's Two Semester Software Engineering Graduate Project Course

Keywords USC's Two Semester Software Engineering Graduate Project Course Incremental Commitment Model Electronic Process Guide Distance Education Real Projects For Real Clients systems engineering Software Engineering COCOMO II
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The total system life cycle is divided into two stages: Stage I of the ICM (Definition) has three decision nodes, each with four options per node, culminating with incremental development in Stage II (Development and Operations). Stage II has an additional two decision nodes, again with
four options per node. One can use ICM risk patterns to generate frequently used processes with confidence that they will fit the situation [4].
Initial risk patterns can generally be determined in the Exploration phase. One then proceeds with definition and development approach as a proposed plan with risk-based Feasibility Evidence at the VCR milestone and each subsequent milestone, adjusting plans and updating Feasibility Evidence in later phases as necessary. Risks associated with the system drive the life
cycle process. Information about the risk(s) (feasibility assessments) supports the decision to proceed, adjust scope or priorities, or cancel the program.

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For over 12 years, USC's Computer Science (CSCI)
Department has been offering a two-semester software
engineering course designed by Dr. Barry Boehm and
required course for the CS department's Specialization in
Software Engineering. From the beginning, it has been
doing real projects for real clients. The courses focus on
activities not normally covered by regular computer
science. While the focus is on software engineering of the
projects, the project is done in the context of systems
engineering, employing the Incremental Commitment
Model (ICM). Project teams are self-organizing and select
the projects they wish to work on. Over the years, various
online tools have been developed specifically to support the

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