Early Identification of SE-Related Program Risks

Keywords Early Identification of SE-Related Program Risks project manager average probability
Standards groups

The SE Performance Risk Framework is developed from this hierarchy of four Goals and 18 CSFs. The framework elaborates and explores the Goals and CSFs through a set of 74 Questions, adapted and expanded from the EMs identified in the earlier step. These appear to cover the central core of common SE performance determinants of SE effectiveness as outlined in Table 1.

Analysis of the raw competency measures identified in the first step above showed that they, too, could be organized into a set of Goals and CSFs similar to those used in the SE Performance Risk Framework. Organizing the work activities and KSAs of the competency measures revealed that the first four goals and their CSFs were in common with the EM taxonomy.

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Kathleen Dangle,Rich Turner,Paul Componation,Dan Ingold
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