Using Systems Engineering Standards In an Architecture Framework

Keywords Using Systems Engineering Standards In an Architecture Framework system engineering standards standards
Standards groups

The Systems Modelling Language (SysML) is a general-purpose systems modelling language (graphical) that will support specification, analysis, design, verification and validation of complex systems. It is a key enabler for transitioning the practice of systems engineering from being document-centric to a model-centric approach – i.e. model driven systems engineering. It is being developed by the SysML Partners as a joint initiative of INCOSE and the Object Management Group (OMG), and is defining extensions to the Unified Modelling Language (UML). The requirements for SysML were developed as a cooperative effort between the OMG, INCOSE, and the ISO AP233 team, resulting in the issuance of the UML for Systems Engineering RFP in March 2003 . The SysML Partners group was formed to respond to these requirements, and includes broad representation from end-users, tool vendors, and liaisons with related initiatives.

SysML is based on UML™ version 2. SysML will reuse and extend a subset of UML™ to provide a comprehensive set of concepts to model structure, behaviour, properties, requirements, verification and other systems aspects of interest to systems engineers. Since SysML is being developed as a customization of UML™, it will define both visual (concrete) syntax and repository (metamodel) semantics. SysML version 1.0 will address many of the requirements in the RFP and is projected for adoption by the OMG in Q4 2004. Future revisions are planned to address the full spectrum of requirements as well as lessons learned from its use. Additional information on SysML can be found at the SysML Partners website ( and at the OMG SE DSIG site (

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