COSYSMO: A Svstems Engineering Cost Model

Keywords COSYSMO: A Svstems Engineering Cost Model systems engineering cost estimation model Complex Systems
Standards groups

The intent of this paper was to provide insight into the development of COSYSMO, its parameter definitions. and an example estimate. Our efforts
have confirmed that Systems Engineers and Program Managers desire models that they can use in developing accurate estimates or Systems engineering
effort. Our contribution. COSYSMO. represents such a model. Its parametric formulation differs from others currently available which are heuristic based.

Being based on actual project data enables engineers and managers to use COSY SMO to justify forecasted expenditures and reduce risk. We have had tremendous support in our efforts but still have a number of significant challenges' ahead of us. We hope to continue collaborating with systems engineering practitioners to produce an accurate and flexible model. Their insights and suggestions have helped us solidify concepts and make the terminology we use more acceptable. We plan to continue reporting the status and progress of our efforts as we pursue model development with the
intent to make an impact in the fields of cost estimation and systems engineering.

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technical white paper
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Building on the synergy between Systems engineering and Software Engineering, we have developed a parametric model to estimate systems engineering costs. The goal of this model, called COSYSMO (Constructive Systems Engineering Cost Model), is to more accurately estimate the time and effort associated with performing the system engineering tasks in complex systems. This article describes how COSYSMO was developed and summarizes its size drivers and effort multipliers. We conclude with an example estimate to illustrate the usage of the model to estimate Systems engineering cost.

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