Requirements engineering process according to automotive standards in a model-driven framework

Keywords automotive systems Requirement Engineering process engineering model driven development requirements safety certification support quality assessment
Standards groups

In this thesis, we address the challenge of development of automotive embedded systems following the model-driven engineering paradigm that meet the user needs and the regulatory constraints of the domain and that further mastered the quality of developed product. We resolve the problem in many steps which are subsequently used jointly. In the first phase, we define a merging approach which embodies a product quality and process quality approaches regarding the ISO26262 and SPICE standards following the model-driven engineering paradigm. Then, in a certification assessment purpose, we propose a generic methodology where an SPICE assessment and a functional safety audit is simultaneously performed without altering their original meanings. This commitment results into the definition of a tooled framework where we apply the SPICE assessment method to the common metamodel defined from the merging work. In a second phase, we define a metamodel for managing safety assets regarding these automotive standards at product level. This metamodel defines how the requirements and architecture of a system can be captured in such a way that they can be traceable from each other and from origin specifications documents. Finally, a model-based approach where the interaction of process and product models is managed to address requirements identified in the preceding phases is developed to support project management. The approach uses process modeling and measurement to improve the control and the monitoring of project and to reduce the cost and frequency of re-planning.

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French (Français)
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Requirements process
Defines standard
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