The Ten Most Powerful Principles for Quality in [Software and] Software Organizations [as DOC article]

Keywords software development software organizations software quality

QAI Conference Wednesday April 25 2001 9:45 –10:45 a.m.

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Software knows it has a problem. Solutions abound. But which solutions work? What are the most fundamental underlying principles we can observe in successful projects? This paper presents10 powerful principles that are not widely taught or appreciated. They
are based on ideas of measurement, quantification and feedback. Our maturity
level with respect to 'numbers' is known to be poor. Hopefully, as we
move to higher maturity levels we will also begin to appreciate the power of
measurement and numeric expression of idea. What can we do right now? I
suggest the first step is to recognize that all your quality requirements can and
should be specified numerically. I am not talking about 'counting bugs'. I am
talking about quantifying qualities such as security, portability, adaptability, maintainability,
robustness, usability, reliability and performance. Decide to make them
numeric on your project. Draft some numeric requirements today, surprise your
team tomorrow!

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