FM 770-78

Keywords Life Cycle System Management Model systems engineering systems engineering management systems engineering process weapon system
Document identifier
FM 770-78
Date published
Document type
technical manual
Defines standard
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1-1. Purpose and Scope
a. This manual describes a system engineering process and presents guidelines for system
engineering management which will satisfy those regulations, directives, and standards which
contain policy for the application of system engineering. System engineering is performed for
projects, systems, or items designated a major program under the provisions of AR 70-1. The
process is consistent with and complementary to DA Pam 11-25, Life Cycle System
Management Model for Army Systems. it may be performed for nonmajor programs, based on
the expected complexity of the program or weapon system interfaces. The manual presents a
means for integrating the efforts of each technical and managerial specialist in the design and
development of a total, balanced system. It contains guidelines for the identification of tasks and
responsibilities for implementing the system engineering process.

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