Funds and Man-Hours Expenditure Report

Keywords Funds and Man-Hours Expenditure Report Expenditure Report expenditures for labor format and content preparation instructions
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4.1.1 Original negotiated contract. A summary of all cost elements associated with the original negotiated contracts. This is defined as the contractor’s original cost proposal, as negotiated and accepted by the Government. It is that cost as it appears on the original contract document. Its elements shall contain the cost estimate breakdown by category (i.e., direct labor (Sr. Engineer, Jr. Engineer, draftsman, General and Administration (G&A) fee, outstanding commitments, etc), as provided in the accepted proposal. Items and amounts specified in this entry shall remain constant on successive reports during the term of the contract.

4.1.2 Latest negotiated contract changes. A summary of the latest negotiated contract changes. It shall be a recapitulation of the 4.1.1 data elements reflecting all subsequent changes resulting for contract modifications. Breakdown by category shall be as provided in 4.1,1 unless altered by contract modification. Indicate “none” if revised proposal has no effect.

4.1.3 Reporting period expenditures. Expenditure data for the current reporting period for the work task categories used in 4.1.1 or 4.1.2 (as applicable), and covering man hours, funds, and the change (new orders minus fulfilled orders) in outstanding commitments.

4.1.4 Cumulative expenditure to date. Cumulative man hour, funds and outstanding commitments expenditure data through the current reporting period for the work task categories used in 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 (as applicable). Additionally, show the cumulative costs as a percentage of the 4.1.1 of 4.1.2 costs.

4.1.5 Estimated cost-to-complete. The estimated costs required to complete the work task from the reporting date to the date of completion. This estimate shall be defined by categories as they appear in 4.1.1 of 4.1.2. All estimates shall be justified.

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