System/Subsystem Design Description (SSDD)

Keywords Subsystem Design Description database design description
Standards groups

This DID contains the format and content preparation instructions for the data product generated by specific and discrete task requirements as delineated in the contract.

This DID is used when the developer is tasked to define and record the design of a system or subsystem. Design pertaining to interfaces may be presented in the SSDD or in IDDs. Design pertaining to databases may be presented in the SSDD or DBDDs.

The Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) will specify whether deliverable data are to be delivered on paper or electronic media; are to be in a given electronic form (such as ASCII, CALS, or compatible with a specified word processor or other support software); may be delivered in developer format rather than in the format specified herein; and may reside in a computer-aided software engineering (CASE) or other automated tool rather than in the form of a traditional document.

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Data Item Description (DID)
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